Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Financial Wellness Basics, Understanding Credit and Consumer Advocacy & Protection: Understanding your Rights

    1. Money Values and Goals: Section 1

    2. Activity: Financial Values

    3. Money Values and Goals: Section 2

    4. Activity: Needs VS Wants

    5. Money Values and Goals: Section 3

    6. Activity: Choose ONE Financial Goal And Make It S.M.A.R.T.

    1. Budgeting and Tracking: Section 1

    2. Activity: Let's Make a Budget!

    3. Budgeting and Tracking: Section 2

    4. Activity: Tracking

    1. Creating or Growing an Emergency Fund: Section 1

    2. Activity: Building Your Emergency Fund

    3. Creating or Growing an Emergency Fund: Section 2

    4. Activity: Spending Leaks

    1. Debt and Credit: Section 1

    2. Activity: Complete Your Own Debt Snowball

    3. Debt and Credit: Section 2

    4. Activity: Understanding Credit Quiz

    1. Workshop Complete

About this course

  • Free
  • 69 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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